MongoDB C# offi : Lat, Lng as doubles are stored at precision13 and rounding? -

i store lat , lng double in mondodb , c# official driver. have problems points not matching right places after rounding of double values internaly in mondodb(by driver or intern). have searched posible rounding before post repository haven´t found anything. why not use decimal, because query.near use doubles.
v1.6.5 ; c#v0.11 ; win64.

xx.444057295828145;xx.63416004180907 captured string xx.444057295828145;xx.63416004180907 receipt repository before save method inside mongodb , returned : xx.4440572958281, xx.6341600418091, saved , returned (only 13 after dot)

this resulting moved map. advices. thanks.

i use update method

public void savegeopoints(string id, string lat, string lng) {     //--> xx.444057295828145;xx.63416004180907     db.repository.update(        query.eq("_id", id),        update.set("lat", double.parse(lat))            .set("lng", double.parse(lng))); } 

the default format console.writeline prints 13 digits after decimal point. following code snippet shows this

    var test = "10.444057295828145";     console.writeline(test);     var testindouble = double.parse(test);     console.writeline(testindouble);     console.writeline(testindouble.tostring("r")); console output     10.444057295828145     10.4440572958281     10.444057295828145 


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