jquery - jScrollPane autoReinitialise and animateScroll -

i have jscrollpane (jquery) problem

i use jscrollpane on website. have dynamic content makes scroll-area larger. makes attribute autoreinitialise mandatory. want use animatescroll attribute, if use @ same time, scrollbar wil go mad (mad tell you!).

does know what's that?


var pane = jquery("#scroll_area"); pane.jscrollpane({     autoreinitialise: true,     showarrows: true,     verticalarrowpositions: "split",     horizontalarrowpositions: "split",     animatescroll: true }); var api = pane.data("jsp"); jquery("#button_step_right").bind("click", function() {     api.scrollbyx(750);     return false;        }); 



ah. correct answer was:

var pane = jquery("#scroll_area"); pane.jscrollpane({    autoreinitialise: true,    showarrows: true,    verticalarrowpositions: "split",    horizontalarrowpositions: "split",   /// animatescroll: true });    var api = pane.data("jsp");    jquery("#button_step_right").bind("click", function() {    api.scrollbyx(750, true); /// <- true    return false;        }); 


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