java - Whats the best way to inject same instance of service in service for Spring AOP -

i'va serviceimpl annotated @service stereotype of spring , have 2 methods in each 1 annotated custom annotations intercepted spring.

@service     public class serviceimpl implements service{         @customannotation        public void method1(){        ...        }         @anothercustomannotation        public void method2(){         this.method1();            ...        }     } } 

now spring uses proxy based aop approach , hence i'm using this.method1() interceptor @customannotation not able intercept call, used inject service in factoryclass , in way able proxy instance -

  @anothercustomannotation     public void method2(){         somefactory.getservice().method1();            ...     } 

i'm using spring 3.0.x, best way proxy instance?

the other alternative use aspectj , @configurable. spring seems going towards these days (favoring).

i if using spring 3 faster (performance) , more flexible proxy based aop.


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