iphone - doesnt remove cells -

i have custom uitableview allows user select multiple images. problem delete method isnt working.

i keep track of selected images , when user confirms delete images removed array , table should update.

the call [self.tableview reloaddata] not removing cells tableview.

how can achieve this? how can call

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview           cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { 

or similar force table check data source , redraw cells?

looking @ scenario , can perform thing in 2 ways

1)using reloaddata function

while using please make sure 2 thing when choose delete cell first check whether particular record has been deleted @ indexpath want be.  

secondly once data deleted array after use [self.tableview reloaddata] or [objectoftableview reloaddata]. way works fine.

but apple has provided methods remove cells table effects.so it's use below way.

2)way prefer use since looks great in app uitableview.

  • (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview commiteditingstyle: (uitableviewcelleditingstyle)editingstyle forrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {

    if (editingstyle == uitableviewcelleditingstyledelete) {

     //over  here first delete record array @ indexpath    

    //[self makelogout]; [self.aclogintblview deleterowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:indexpath] withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade]; }

    [self.aclogintblview reloaddata]; }

hope after giving pain finger solve queries in better way ;)


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