html - CSS z-Index with position: relative -

i using css create "gantt-chart" style progress bar.

it consists of empty progress bar, inside green bar represents expected progress. on top of should (thinner) black bar represents actual progress.

the "actual" , "expected" bars independent - i.e. actual more or less expected, can't nest actual bar inside div expected.

i want have number of these little progress bars, in gridview or repeater, can't use position absolute.

how can z-index work actual bar sits "on top" of actual bar?

the css have is:

div.progressbarempty {     height:11px;     background-color:silver;     border: 1px solid black;     font-size: 0.1em }  div.progressbargreen {     position:absolute;     top:0;left:0;     height:11px;     background-color:#00ff33;     border-right: 1px solid black;     font-size: 0.1em     z-index:0;  }  div.progressbaractual {     position:absolute;     top:3;left:0;     height:5px;     background-color:black;     border-style: none;     font-size: 0.1em     z-index:1; } 

and html:

<div class="progressbarempty" style="width:100px">     <div class="progressbargreen" style="width:40%" > </div>     <div class="progressbaractual" style="width:80%"> </div> </div> 

(just clear, "progressbaractual" div should 80% of width of "progressbarempty" div, not "progressbargreen")


here's mockup of i'm after.

enter image description here

live demo (updated)

the change last demo:

live demo

add position: relative div.progressbarempty?

i'm not entirely sure it's supposed like, vaguely gantt chart.

if isn't quite right (as suspect case), it's matter of adding few more properties, let me know what's wrong it.



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