Google Custom Search does not return structured data which I entered using PageMap -

here page map added comment in head section

<!--<pagemap>                           <dataobject type="document">                          <attribute name="id">2067</attribute>                          <attribute name="title">empowering middle , creating workforce readiness</attribute>                          <attribute name="urltitle">empowering-the-middle-and-creating-workforce-readiness</attribute>                          <attribute name="category">business</attribute>                          <attribute name="briefdescription">join stacey harris , stacia garr share recent bersin & associates’ findings regarding impact of…</attribute>                          <attribute name="description">have given enough thought how empowering middle of organization? market has been focused on leveraging top talent, investing in high potentials , preparing executives. in midst of segmentation, have thought engine of workforce — middle management , consistent performers? on past several years, companies have asked employees more less, increase innovation, collaborate , work globally. however, many have failed give middle of organization support needs succeed in today’s modern work environment. <br /><br />join stacey harris , stacia garr share recent bersin &amp; associates’ findings regarding impact of increasing capabilities of line managers , value of motivating , empowering middle performers. discussion include examples of how leading organizations developing leaders bottom up, providing tools middle performers jobs more , improving enterprise career management strategies. specific case studies included in presentation.<br /><br /></attribute>                          <attribute name="starttime">2011-02-22 11:00:00</attribute><attribute name="presenter1">stacey harris</attribute><attribute name="presenter2">stacia garr</attribute><attribute name="host1">tm</attribute>              </dataobject>          </pagemap>          --> 

when use rich snippets testing tool......i following error : "insufficient data generate preview."

could me understand why not returning info part of response xml

one of attributes had html elements in it....which causes xml parsing fail


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