flash - how to get X,Y coordinates of a movieclip (inside another movieclip) but relative to the _root? -

i have movieclip inside movieclip...

//create on stage empty movieclip...  var mc_container:movieclip = _root.createemptymovieclip("container_name", _root.getnexthighestdepth());  //new position on stage... mc_container._x = 200; mc_container._y = 200;  //create movieclip inside main movieclip... var mc_inside:movieclip = mc_container.attachmovie("mc_from_library", "mc_name", mc_container.getnexthighestdepth(), {_x:0, _y:0, _alpha:100}); 

i can mc_inside._x , mc_inside._y properties relative container movieclip, how can mc_inside._x , mc_inside._y relative _root (the stage)?

use localtoglobal:

var point:object = {x:myclip.inner_mc._x, y:myclip.inner_mc._y}; myclip.inner_mc.localtoglobal(point); trace(point.x) trace(point.y) 



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