email - sendmail smtp error -

i'm using following code send email web application.

public function sendmail(byval strto string, byval strfrom string, _                             byval strsubject string, byval strbody string) string         try              dim smtpserver new smtpclient()             dim mail new mailmessage()             smtpserver.credentials = new _             net.networkcredential("", "<password>")             smtpserver.port = 587    = "mail.<mydomain>.com"             mail = new mailmessage()             mail.from = new mailaddress(strfrom)                mail.subject = strsubject             mail.isbodyhtml = true             mail.body = strbody             smtpserver.send(mail)             return true         catch ex exception             return false         end try     end function 

it works fine when use personal email address strfrom value, or made-up email address. when use different 1 (, valid , working, following error:

"the smtp server requires secure connection or client not authenticated. server response was: smtp authentication required."

why happen?

after @ spec rfc 2554 ( guess receiving/relaying server employing sort of authentication scheme ensures email came wherever strfrom indicates (a valid account on server indicated after @).

item 5 of spec, "the auth parameter mail command" of particular interest.

since "auth parameter mail command" isn't used everywhere, may explain why things work email addresses , not others.


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