cassandra upgrade from 0.6 to 0.7.2 -

i followed instructions in news.txt upgrade cassandra 0.6 0.7.2. instructions are: process upgrade is: 1) run "nodetool drain" on each 0.6 node. when drain finishes (log message "node drained" appears), stop process. 2) convert storage-conf.xml new cassandra.yaml using "bin/config-converter". 3) rename of keyspace or column family names not adhere '^\w+' regex convention. 4) start cluster 0.7 version. 5) initialize keyspace , columnfamily definitions using "bin/schematool import". you need 1 node.

i did first 3 steps. drain node, stop cassandra 0.6, convert old storage-conf.xml cassandra.yaml. start cassandra 0.7.2 using: "bin/cassandra -f". complains following errors. wondering whether followed right instructions. if so, how fix problem?

"fatal configuration error org.apache.cassandra.config.configurationexception: saved_caches_directory missing"

default location saved_caches_directory /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches (from wiki). try create manually (dont forget user permissions)


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