Back-end performance testing for apache wicket -

we create app based on apache wicket , i'm working on performance testing it. i'm familiar jmeter it's first choice load generate tool end performance testing. but, looks can't record "ajax call" actions our app according wicket's behavior.

i'm using grinder, not work well.

i'm thing using htmlunit instead of jmeter back-end web app performance load testing.

so have better choice?

thanks in adv.

i jvisualvm in jdk/bin (1.6+?), jvm monitor eclipse plugin works fine me

we doing performance testing of wicket page rendering, seen many comparisons on web, cannot close it, on average desktop 100 threads 2-10 times more memory usage , 10-100 times longer response times, havily dependant on parameters

(compared pure jsp)

any similar experience?

later spotted, if threads pre-initialized, response time 6-10x longer , memory usage lower (lets assume same)

after server start sent many requests many threads server designed handle, give time rest :) , runs smoothly, dont ...


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