asp classic - VBScript Out Of Memory Error -

i have classic asp crm built third party company. currently, have access source code , able make changes required.

randomly throughout day, after prolonged usage users, of pages start getting out of memory error.

the way application built, pages , scripts pull core functions global.asp file. in file embeds other global files well, error presented shows

out of memory

whateverscriptyoutriedtorun.asp line 0

line 0 include global.asp file. once error occurs, after unspecified amount of time error occurence subsides time begins reoccur again. how application written, , functions uses, , "diagnostics" i've done - seems common used function withholding data such recordset or of nature , not releasing properly. other users try use same function , fills causing error. way me clear error restart iis, recycle app pool, , restart sql server services.

needless say, myself , users getting annoyed....

i can't pinpoint error due actual error message presented being line 0 - there have no idea in 20k lines of code hanging up. thoughts or ideas on how isolate or @ least point me in right direction begin clearing up? there way me increase "memory" size vbscript? know there limitation set @ say...512k , can increase 1gb?

here things have tried:

  1. removing sql inline statements views
  2. going through several hundred scripts , ensuring every openconnection & openrecordset followed appropriate close.
  3. going through global file , commenting out large sql statements such applicationlog (a function writes executed query table).
  4. some smaller script edits.

common memory leak

you closing recordsets , connections good.

but deleting objects?

for example:

set adocon = new set rscommon = new  'do query stuff  'you this: rscommon.close adocon.close  'but do this? set adocon = nothing set rscommon = nothing 

no garbage collection in classic asp, objects not destroyed remain in memory.

also, ensure closes/nothings run in every branch. example: etc  'sql query mydata = rscommon("condition")  if(mydata)   response.write("ok") else   response.redirect("error.asp") end if  'close rscommon.close adocon.close set adocon = nothing set rscommon = nothing 

nothing closed/destroyed before redirect empty memory of time not branches of logic lead proper memory clearance.

better design

also unfortunately sounds website wasn't designed well. structure classic asp as:

<%     option explicit      'declare vars     dim     dim      'open connections     set adocon...      'fetch required data strsql, adocon         = rscommon.getrows()     rscommon.close      'fetch else strsql, adocon         = rscommon.getrows()     rscommon.close      'close connections , drop objects     adocon.close     set adocon = nothing     set rscommon = nothing      'process redirects     if(condition)         response.redirect(url)     end if %> <html> <body>  <%     'use data     for(i = 0 ubound(this,2)         response.write(this(0, i) & " " & this(1, i) & "<br />")     next %>  </body>  </html> 

hope of helped.


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