android - textview overflowing out of the screen -

i have problem create x number of textview in layout store 1 character in each text view.

however when text gets long, text not go next line , overflowed out of screen

is there anyway me keep textviews in 1 screen?

 linearlayout linearlayout = new linearlayout(this);         linearlayout.setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.fill_parent, layoutparams.fill_parent));         textview[] tv = new textview[counter];         float textsize = 65;          (int = 0; < counter; i++)         {                 tv[i] = new textview(this);                 tv[i].setlayoutparams(new layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content, layoutparams.wrap_content));                  tv[i].settextsize(textsize);                 tv[i].settext(""+singletext[i]);                 linearlayout.addview(tv[i]);          }         setcontentview(linearlayout); 

enter image description here

i think should try using textview.setsingleline(false)

then not have issue of text overflow.


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