sql server - SSMS crashes when opening Design Query Editor -

is there fix crash in sql-server 2005 management studio when try open design-query-editor sql-statementent preceding use database;?

for example:

use db1; select * table1; 

if mark select * table1;, can open editor succesfully. if mark both lines, ssms crash "microsoft sql server management studio has stopped working"-dialog(with option debug or close ssms) , additional information on problem f.e.:

  problem signature:   problem event name:   bex   application name: sqlwb.exe   application version:  2005.90.5000.0   application timestamp:    4d02772b   fault module name:    vdt80.dll   fault module version: 8.0.50727.1826   fault module timestamp:   480d6e41   exception offset: 0032ae42   exception code:   c0000409   exception data:   00000000   os version:   6.1.7601. 

sql-server version:

select serverproperty('productversion'), serverproperty ('productlevel'), serverproperty ('edition') 9.00.5000.00       sp4       enterprise edition (64-bit) 


windows server 2008 r2 standard(sp 1) 

edit: problem occurs if try open designer t-sql statement like:

if exists(     select *     closingdate     datediff(day, dateadd(day, -1, getdate()). closingdate) = 0 ) update table2 set     column1 = 255     column1 = 1 

sure, take out use db statement , change code this:

select * db1.dbo.table1 

this syntax allow select data other databases on same server in not in context of.


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