programming languages - About learning semantics -

i have related semantics. , reading semantics engineering plt redex, find little hard understand, not way thought doing computer science. remembered how excited reading csapp book. not ver excited one, or field of semantics! while think reason not yet understanding it, what's point of it. maybe. think need suggestions lead me out of way: how precede learning of semantics?

what semantics: semantics contrasted syntax. syntax describes how pieces of language may arranged. semantics describes arrangements do. describes effects have.

from perspective of 1 writes language, syntax specification lexer, parser , abstract syntax tree. semantics specification eval / apply loop.

why semantics interesting: syntax solved problem. while pleasingly complex, once have written few parsers start same. process of giving language meaning , having meaning lead useful, concise, , clear tool deeper subject. opinion, common among academics in computer science field semantics make language.

some semantic concepts: object oriented programing semantic notation. smalltalk , java have different syntax each other, share semantics of "object" encapsulated data operated on defined set of methods. functional programing semantic idea.

i not academic, , have not kept recent pedagogy of semantics, cannot address being taught, coder , 1 interested in computer science, find topic both facinating , highly applicable.


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