Make a TextView Editable in a Launcher Widget (Android) -

i'm trying create launcher widget textview editable. read says android:editable deprecated, haven't played (even though didn't worked anyway).

this xml textview looks like:

<textview android:id="@+id/hours_textview"           android:text="@string/zero"           android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal|center"           android:layout_margintop="5dip"           android:padding="10dip"           android:textcolor="@android:color/black"                        android:layout_width="50dip"                        android:layout_height="fill_parent"                        android:inputtype="number"                        android:typeface="serif"                        android:clickable="true"                        android:cursorvisible="true"                        android:digits="0123456789"                        android:focusable="true"                        android:selectallonfocus="true"/> 

i'm pretty new android developement i'm missing obvious. i'm not running code process widget @ point. need set event handlers capture tap , trigger editing process? if ... events?

editable text fields not supported in launcher app widgets.


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