javascript - jquery carousel with hover effects -

here's url:

here's jquery:

site still under heavy development.

if mouse on "services retention" on carousel see function should work like. on hover span element faded in, on mouse out hides. stuck, work fine. notice when click right arrow , scroll through carousel spans stuck "on".

any appreciated, thank you!

your mark invalid missing closing "a" tag (see below)


here error in code.

           <a href="#" id="homeslide6-show">                <img src="" width="200" height="92" />           </li>       </ul> 

additionally jquery code reduced 90% using each() function.

for example add id ul , so

<ul id="mycarousel"> 

    jquery('#mycarousel').find('span').each(function(){          jquery(this).hover(function() {              jquery(this).next().fadein('slow');              return false;          }, function(){              jquery(this).next().fadeout('slow');              return false;         });     }); 

ps, code fixed current html structure, should use classes making more flexible


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