iphone - Add a file association with tiff files on iOS -

i'd create file associate tiff files in ios app (i.e. app appears target opening tiff files mail or safari). adding following info.plist file doesn't seem work:

<key>cfbundledocumenttypes</key> <array>   <dict>     <key>cfbundletypename</key>     <string>tiff</string>     <key>lsitemcontenttypes</key>     <array>       <string>public.tiff</string>     </array>     <key>lshandlerrank</key>     <string>alternate</string>   </dict> </array> 

i have app associate pdfs in same way , works fine. believe not possible associate app tiff file type on ios, can't find documentation stating that.

has else had luck getting work or finding definitive "no, can't that"?

i burned apple tsi on (i never seem end using them anyway) , official answer is: no, can't that.

i've logged enhancement request on apple's bug reporting site: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/ , suggest if issue problem you.


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