inheritance - How to access child controls inside inherited class? -

here i'm doing, have large amount of reports, rather copy , pasting repeated code, have following..

 public class reportpage : {    // code } 

my report pages have

 public class myreportpage : reportpage { } 

problem i'm having is, want able access control inside myreportpage within reportpage, instance, want pages grid have specific property.

inside reportpage tried

protected void page_prerender(object s, eventargs e) {   var obj = this.findcontrol("reportgridname"); } 

but unable find control, went through controls see if in, no luck..

any ideas how grid access on inherit?

page page = (page)httpcontext.current.handler;          var obj = page.findcontrol("reportgridname"); 

does work? i'm having exact same problem , stumbled upon this link


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