c# - What am I compromising by running my application as 32 bit in a 64 bit OS Machine -

we moved windows xp windows 7. found 1 part of application in c# try create dbf file pda failed thorwing error message "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider not registered on local machine."

i found many forums pointing me build exe 32 bit here.

my question no. 1) there other driver accessing dbf on 64 bit os machine? (i know there 1 accessing excel , access db). there dbf?

question no 2. same title. have feeling converting 32 bit, not making use of full advantage of 64 bit. losing workaround?

thanks in advance.

x64 processes have access more instructions , more registers. compiling x86 vs cpu give ability jit compiler use instructions , registers (and more memory), typically resulting in (small) performance penalty. really, 99 times out of hundred users won't notice.

what notice program doesn't work if compile cpu because there no 64bit ole driver dbf files. format not used more, , wouldn't surprise me learn microsoft has not written , has no plans build 64bit version.


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