c# - Is there OLE provider drivers for a production web server that can be installed without installing the full office app? -

i have web application creates connection ole db provider. allows upload .xls/.xlsx files server data gets stripped out datatable passed stored procedure.

i told free ace 2010 drivers. link find following, if free ace drivers, states on there not using production web server if strictly development.


is there drivers can install on server wouldn't require me installing excel application?

your link broken: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=c06b8369-60dd-4b64-a44b-84b371ede16d&displaylang=en

supported operating systems:windows 7;windows server 2003 r2 (32-bit x86);windows server 2003 r2 x64 editions;windows server 2008 r2;windows server 2008 service pack 2;windows vista service pack 1;windows xp service pack 3

note jet installed default vaguely recent version of windows.


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