Saving as Flash in C++ -

how save iplimage of opencv flash file? maybe there library that?

if mean storing output flash video (.flv) use ffmpeg (libavcodec/libavformat). cross platform , supports .flv format (besides massive amout of others) , should quite easy do. can embed audio too.

as note: ffmpeg partially included in opencv (depending on build) video coder/decoder, don't know though if can force write .flv (by choosing right codec string) within opencv. anyways it's not hard convert iplimage ffmpeg buffer , store there.

a problem might have latest opencv (2.1) has trouble build ffmpeg support or build against ffmpeg version don't want. mentioned above don't need use ffmpeg via opencv 2.1 api, since can use directly using ffmpeg api.

look examples in libavcodec on how write video, , check opencv source on how convert iplimage avpacket/avframe. i've done before , quite easy do.


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