ruby on rails - Achieving 25K Concurrent connections in RubyOnRails Application -

i trying build suggestion board application. users raises query , multiple people post @ same time. expected supporting atleast 25k concurrent users. question format has checkboxes or radio buttons, in thats case writing db.

please let me know how can achieve in ruby on rails. - hardware support (specific hardware lb) - software support (db clustering/app server clustering/ web traffic resolution)

i think best plan worry scaling level once have many users. there's nothing stopping achieving in rails, or indeed other framework/language.

the problem trying design architecture up-front scale level that, @ point, have absolutely no idea pain points going be. there specific pages going hit database harder, of pages heavy on html , images... there many questions ask cannot answered until you've gotten out there.

this doesn't mean shouldn't worry scaling - means, try design data structures in such way allow scale later. put off major decisions, , think them later when have hard data work with.


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