rrdtool - not able to fetch the data from rrd file -

i using rrdtool version 1.2.30 on windows platform, have 1 .rrd file , when tried fetch data using 'rrdtool fetch' giving me following error.

error: rrd not contain rra matching chosen cf

on firing following command

rrdtool fetch usage.rrd average -r 3600 -s 1298264400 -e 1298350800

i don't know whats wrong when tried view data in xml using rrdtool dump on usage.rrd showing me following error.

<!-- round robin database dump --><rrd> <version> 0003 </version         <step> 2 </step> <!-- seconds -->         <lastupdate> 0 </lastupdate> <!-- 1970-01-01 05:30:00 in e -->          <ds>                 <name>  </name>                 <type>  </type>                 <minimal_heartbeat> 0 </minimal_heartbeat>                 <min> 5.9287877501e-322 </min>                 <max> nan </max>                  <!-- pdp status -->                 <last_ds> last </last_ds>                 <value> 5.0000000000e-001 </value>                 <unknown_sec> 1 </unknown_sec>         </ds>          <ds>                 <name>  </name>                 <type>  </type>                 <minimal_heartbeat> 0 </minimal_heartbeat>                 <min> 5.9287877501e-322 </min>                 <max> nan </max>                  <!-- pdp status -->                 <last_ds>  </last_ds>                 <value> 2.4703282292e-323 </value>                 <unknown_sec> 2016 </unknown_sec>         </ds>  <!-- round robin archives --></rrd> error: unknown data acquisition function '' 

my guess is, rrd file created other copy of rrdtool ... under windows possible create incompatible versions of rrdtool compiling them different compilers :-(


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