objective c - How to display series of images when app loads in iPhone SDK? -

i want display series of images 1 one when app loads. want create kind of animation loading these images sequentially.

i know possible. have seen many apps that.

can please let me know how can done?


take @ uiimageview's animationimages property. can assign nsarray of images property. below example there may typos i'm typing memory.

-(void)viewdidload { uiimageview *flower = [[uiimageview alloc] init]; flower.animationimages = [nsarray arraywithobjects: [uiimage imagenamed:@"bloom1.png"],[uiimage imagenamed:@"bloom2.png"], [uiimage imagenamed:@"bloom3.png"], nil]; //add more images necessary  flower.animationduration = 1.00; flower.animationrepeatcount = 1; [flower startanimating];  [self.view addsubview:flower];  [flower release] } 


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