model view controller - database driven form controls -

how databse driveen jsp page,

suppose have 5 text fields,if user wants put 1 of form field select box.jsp should identify , return select box if define in db select box.

i dont know how achieve this,can suggest this.

regards, raju komaturi

there multiple tasks if want completely. world @ large has not gone way , there not many tools (if any) this. here main ideas.

1) want "data dictionary", collection of meta-data tells types , sizes of each column are, , primary , foreign keys are.

2) example of "knowing" field should drop-down, means column value foreign key table. code detects , builds listbox out of values in parent table.

3) can go far create complete form generator simple tables, of html generated, need way override more complex forms. if this, data dictionary should have column descriptions or captions.

there many many more ideas, starting point describe.


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