How to test posts in Rails / Capybara / Cucumber or Rspec -

i'm using rspec, cucumber , capybara , i'm looking way test malicious user can't hack form post url he/she doesn't have permission to. have permissions set in cancan such "should" work, however, way can test hacking form myself.

how can automate sort of testing? webrat in unit test rspec

put :update, :user_id =>, :id => response.should contain("error, don't have permission access that!")  

in capybara, however, visit get's seems. can't find way this, i've googled everwhere.

any appreciated, thanks

i think can rack-test

in gemfile:

gem 'rack-test' 

in env.rb file

module capybaraapp   def app;; end end world(capybaraapp) world(rack::test::methods) 

step defintions somewhere:

when /^i send post request "([^"]*)"$/ |path|   post path end 

most of learned came here:

update: think can skip changes env.rb file newer versions of rails and/or cucumber (not sure which, don't part on newer projects , works fine)


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