Hibernate Annotations: Store an int in a varchar column -

i'm using hibernate annotations.

in pojo have year field int.

i persist value in char(4) column in db, , have hibernate convert types , forth. there anyway can (i started @type annotation, don't want have write own custom type if possible)?

if pojo 's field mapped db 's char(4) column access property , hibernate call setter , getter mapping between database , pojo . , conversion logic can implemented inside setter , getter of property. besides , intdate should mark @transient tell hibernate ignore mapping field.

public class tableabc {      private int id;     private int intdate;      @id     @generatedvalue     public int getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(int id) {         this.id = id;     }      @column(length=4)      private  string getchardate() {         return string.valueof(this.intdate);     }      private void setchardate(string chardate) {         try {             this.intdate = integer.parseint(chardate);         } catch (numberformatexception e) {             //logic handle when chardate cannot convert integer              this.intdate = 0;         }     }      @transient     public int getintdate() {         return intdate;     }      public void setintdate(int intdate) {         this.intdate = intdate;     }  } 


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