c++ - diff between ADT list and linked list -

what ( real | significiant ) difference (s) between adt list implementation , linked list implementation with respect queue ?

moreover, can suggest website visual example of these type of lists ?

it hard understand question, in attempt ask actual question is, believe have figured out. assumption is, question is: "what difference between std::list , std::queue. @fatai: please correct me, when wrong.

the std::list doubly-linked list. each element of list "knows" next , previous element. , list "knows" it's beginning , end. here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/list/

the std::queue list, special functionality. functionality allows insert elements @ front, , remove elements back. have here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/queue/

if want have minimal functionality, i'd use queue. queue optimized purpose. prevents doing things accidentally wrong (such remove element middle).

i hope answers (confusing) question. ;-)


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