Building iPhone app with GData XML fails: undefined symbols (for architecture i386) -

i've tried include gdata xml current project. far without success, however, building fails due error of kind that's out of scope..:

enter image description here

since building iphone (and iphone simulator, sake of completeness), don't know why cares i386 anyway. again whole matter of including libxml2 bit beyond comfort zone - i'm doing first time.

for setting flags , search paths referring step 4 of this tutorial. unable add other_cflags flag, since key of same name exists in llvm gcc 4.2 - language already. tried set -ddebug=1 there, didn't change anything.

so, how things work properly? seems documentation on gdata xml sparse - can recommend ressource explains things better link found?


since koregan asked in comment, i'd add doesn't compile iphone simulator , actual device. if building device error different 1 (without i386 part) however:

enter image description here

geez! got it.

did import gdataxmlnode.h in apps pch file. found solution in this answer. have thought of that. wouldn't have? stupid me.


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