- How To Freeze Columns in GridView -

i'm trying freeze columns in gridview grid has static height , rows rendered(no paging , scroll var visible). managed add scroll through content overflow property,but time columns scrolling task freeze columns while maintaining column width.

let grid

<div style="height:200px;overflow:auto;">     <asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false"          useaccessibleheader="true or false">         <columns>             <asp:boundfield datafield="name" headertext="name" />             <asp:boundfield datafield="surname" headertext="surname" />         </columns>     </asp:gridview> </div> 

and code view

 public class person  {      public string name { get; set; }      public string surname { get; set; }  } 

->on page load

    list<person> lst = new list<person>();      lst.add(new person() { name = "a", surname = "a1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "b", surname = "b1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "c", surname = "c1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "d", surname = "d1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "e", surname = "e1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "f", surname = "f1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "g", surname = "g1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "h", surname = "h1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "i", surname = "i1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "j", surname = "j1" });     lst.add(new person() { name = "k", surname = "k1" });      gridview1.datasource = lst;     gridview1.databind(); 

how can achieve minimum effort of coding or styling?
note:rendered browser ie only.

you use ideasparks coolgridview instead. works fine me , free.


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