windows phone 7 - wp7 advertising - unexpected error during response processing ECN -

i using microsoft's adcontrol in app developing. have registered @ pubcentral , using correct applicationid , appunitid. also, setting adcontrol.testmode = false. ads getting displayed correctly yesterday today, error - unexpected error occurred during response processing (name: ecn).

has else noticed issue?

i using january 2011 tools wp7. not sure if issue emulator.

edit: quick update. app ads weren't working during development got published morning , of ads working when downloaded straight marketplace. still not sure of reason thought information may useful.

ok - i've spent far time researching this. apparently there lot of people having error. think may have impending update of wp7 because it's relatively recent. if check out official forums ( there tons of posts describing same issue.

for reason still getting impressions adcontrol despite lack of visual advertisement. suggestion leave code in app , try , publish (this route i'm going take @ least) , start serving ads again soon.


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