lucene - Solr %100 Write Availability During Optimize -

so here's dilemma...

i'm running realtime search index solr, indexing 6m documents per day. documents expire after 7 days. every day, add 6m documents, , delete 6m documents. unfortunately, need run "optimize" every or else i'll run out of disk space.

during "optimize", solr continues serve requests reads, write requests blocked. have writes behind queue, operationally, fine. however, since index large, "optimize" takes hour, , hour, no new updates available reads. index realtime except hour day optimize. during time, looks index behind hour. not optimal.

my current solution this: write data 2 solr indexes, both behind queues. alternate "optimize" on 2 indexes every 12 hours. during "optimize" of index 1, direct read traffic index 2, , vice versa. time based routing seem pretty brittle , sloppy though.

is there better way?

as per comments here , faq here, optimizing should not necessary. not optimizing may increase index size initially, should not keep increasing continuously. suggest disable optimize few days , monitor index size.


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