Linq to Sql - Partial Insert/Update Queries for *All* Tables -

i have database twenty-something tables in it. of them have 4 columns used auditing: createdate, createdby, updatedate, , updatedby.

at moment, using partials each table's insert , update methods, , executing dynamic query, so:

    partial void insertstuff(stuff instance)     {         instance.createdate = datetime.utcnow;         instance.createdby = "web app";          this.executedynamicinsert(instance);     } 

that job; problem have create partial method every table, manually. is there way partial/override all insert , update operations in given context? add nice bit of brevity.

scoured interwebs looking way this, never found 1 (at least, without doing crazy code generation that's not worth effort). i'm switching entity framework in future projects, i'll mark answer.

unless else comes something, of course.


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