java - Compile Error when using Spring JMS -

i'm running compile error while trying use spring-jms. quick google search turned 1 matching result, unable useful out of it.

i'm using following code:

public class class extends abstractclass {      /** {@inheritdoc} */     @override     public void acceptimportableitem(final importableitem<file> item) {         jmsoperations template = getjmstemplate();          template.convertandsend(item);     } } 

when try compile it, receive following compile error:

cannot access javax.jms.destination 


class file javax.jms.destination not found 

nowhere in code reference javax.jms.destination. of have idea why error crop up?

jmsoperations requires javax jms classes of methods, need them in build path. going need jms provider's implementations on classpath @ runtime, anyway.


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