In Java, how does break interact with nested loops? -

i know break statement jumps out of loop, jump out of nested loops or 1 in?


without adornment, break break out of innermost loop. in code:

while (true) { //     while (true) { // b          break;     } } 

the break exits loop b, code loop forever.

however, java has feature called "named breaks" in can name loops , specify 1 break out of. example:

a: while (true) {     b: while (true) {          break a;     } } 

this code not loop forever, because break explicitly leaves loop a.

fortunately, same logic works continue. default, continue executes next iteration of innermost loop containing continue statement, can used jump outer loop iterations specifying label of loop continue executing.

in languages other java, example, c , c++, "labeled break" statement not exist , it's not easy break out of multiply nested loop. can done using goto statement, though frowned upon. example, here's nested break might in c, assuming you're willing ignore dijkstra's advice , use goto:

while (true) {     while (true) {         goto done;     } } done:    // rest of code here. 

hope helps!


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