How much data can MATLAB handle? -

i have lots of computing matrix of 200,000 (or more) rows , 100 or 200 columns.

  • what memory threshold of matlab?
  • can matlab handle giant matrix?

the problem is, depends on version of matlab have. depends on how memory have. depends on largest piece of contiguous memory available you. answer potentially vague, since don't know have!

how many elements there? done simple artifice of multiplication. 2e5*200 = 4e7 elements. 40,000,000 elements.

how storage consume? assuming these doubles, each elements requires 8 bytes of memory. 4e7*8 = 3.2e8 bytes of memory, or 0.32 gigabytes of ram. have memory available? cannot say. if running 32 bit version of matlab on windoze, might barely fit. possession of 8 gigs of ram irrelevant if cannot address all, or if os won't let see all.

if running 64 bit matlab on system 8 gigs of ram, have no problems in storing array.

you can see memory available 1 systems using memory function in matlab.


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