c# - How to register UDF/RTD within VSTO project -


this follow question here.

my setup:

  • visual studio 10
  • language c#
  • excel 2007+
  • windows xp+

what achieve this:

  • create vsto addin excel custom ribbon component , custom task pane
  • create rtd server
  • create udf's wrap =rtd()-calls excel users
  • have clients install addin through clickonce installation

apart last requirement, done. problem have rtd server , udf's registered on target machine without using regasm.exe. want client indeed click once , forget it, since there hundreds of potential users, distributed geographically on whole world.

also, since not technically savvy, not want them have register com components manually or that.

i not care if udf's , rtd server separate project, long can include , register them vsto addin via clickonce.

i looked registration-free com, not life of me able work in vsto addin. did create second project (a library class) , trying export , register com interop, include 'main' project , use there: either not compile (cannot embed interop types assembly [...] because missing either 'importedfromtypelibattribute' attribute or 'primaryinteropassemblyattribute' attribute) or not register.

there loads , loads of examples on internet separate parts of requirements, nothing full monty.

am off track here? can please point me in right direction , ideally offer example code/configuration?

cheers, che

this can accomplished using installer class runs regasm.exe during installation. see: how register .net ccw regasm visual studio 2008 setup project

hope helps, frank


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