android - What are the differences among Internal storage, external storage, sd card and removable storage? -

from official documentation:

using external storage

every android-compatible device supports shared "external storage" can use save files. this can removable storage media (such sd card) or internal (non-removable) storage ...

i'm confused subject. understand, using external storage doesn't mean use removable card, right? however, when talking external storage, it's referred "sd card".

i'm developing app downloads .mp3 files internet. want save files in phone memory (don't want use removable device) have learned, files have saved in external memory.however, offer possibility of importing file removable device. , how should save files?


when building app uses internal storage, android os creates unique folder, accessible app, no other app, or user, can see what's in folder.

the external storage more public storage, now, it's sdcard, become other type of storage (remote hard drive, or else).

the internal storage should used application data, (preferences files , settings, sound or image media app work). if intent download many mp3s, i'd reccomend saving them external storage, external storage bigger. besides, storing data on internal storage may prevent user install other applications.


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