WCF: Passing Kerboros token via HTTP call instead of HTTPS -

i want pass kerberos token via http call server using wcf.

i have piece of code this. works if make request https uri.

var httpbinding = new webhttpbinding(webhttpsecuritymode.transport) { maxreceivedmessagesize = int32.maxvalue }; httpbinding.security.transport.clientcredentialtype = httpclientcredentialtype.windows; httpbinding.security.transport.realm = "mycompany.com";  var endpoint = new endpointaddress("https:xxxxxxxx.com/my/service);  // works var endpoint = new endpointaddress("http:xxxxxxxx.com/my/service);   // not work  var channelfactory = new channelfactory<imyservicecontract>(httpbinding, endpoint); channelfactory.endpoint.behaviors.add(new webhttpbehavior()); _channel = channelfactory.createchannel();  _channel.consumeservice(); 

if make request via channel, , if end point https. works , can verify kerberos token in http requst.

if service end point http, gives error:

system.argumentexception : provided uri scheme 'http' invalid; expected 'https'. parameter name: via 

can let me know how configure wcf send kerboros token http uri.

regards, kevin

when don't want use https must set security mode webhttpsecuritymode.transportcredentialonly. if use webhttpsecuritymode.transport demands https.


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