parsing - Detect/Parse Mailing Addresses in Text -

are there open source/commercial libraries out there can detect mailing addresses in text, how apple's mail app underlines addresses on mac/iphone.

i've been doing little online research , ideas seem either use google, regex or full on nlp package such stanford's nlp, pretty massive. doubt iphone has 500mb nlp package in there, or connects google every time read email. makes me believe there should easier way. bad uidatadetectors not open source.

i know question has been asked before, there no conclusive answers, here's try.

you can extremely high accuracy drew mentioned extracting addresses , comparing them against usps data. getting dvd usps yearly work doesn't factor in addresses change. that, want more up-to-date version. usps publishes it's updated address data (in proprietary format) monthly source of authoritative addresses.

on top of that, using address validation service (after extract address data) standardize addresses , check them deliverability and/or vacancy status. drew mentioned, same address can written in many different ways still work. however, usps use standardized format.

in order looking programmatically, you'll want api, although list processing services available.

smartystreets has free address validation api called liveaddress standardize, verify, , validate postal address. in interest of full disclosure, i'm founder of smartystreets.


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