.net - Testing WCF Chat application in different machines -

i have solution containing service 2 clients. can communicate each other, send message, , fire events. work fine when test 1 machine, install them on different machines, internet connected , not find each other. since self-hosting service reason? use duallhttpbinding binding configuration. situation chat application 2 client instances , 1 service, each of running on different machines without having network connection other internet connections.

dualhttpbinding requires 2 clients able open connections , send messages each other. either 1 of clients behind firewall can't accept incoming connections, nat router isn't port forwarded, or other client doesn't have correct address find it.

this kind of direct two-way communication on http difficult right once onto internet. debug it, i'd suggest taking @ fiddler excellent http debugging tool. you'll have watch connections , see if clients can connect, , if not, why it's failing. you'll have fix connection problems causing that.

i'm not sure if possible you, less error-prone use net.tcp binding , have server somewhere clients can connect (as net.tcp doesn't require server able open port client, can send using existing connection). requires client able connect server, rather server needing able create second connection client, , works through standard nat configurations.


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