jquery - Using an If condition inside a template -

how use if statement inside of jquery template?

here's template:

<script type="text/html" id="attachmentlisttemplate"> {{if $item.current_cmt_id == id }}     <li>         <a href="${link}" class="fancyiframe clearfix">${title}</a>     </li> {{/if}} </script> 

where id ${id} , being passed data binding (via knockoutjs). without if statement outputs fine, so: ${$item.current_cmt_id}

here data-binding (powered knockoutjs):

<ul data-bind='template: { name: "attachmentlisttemplate", foreach: attachmentsmodel.convattachments, templateoptions: {current_cmt_id: <%=comment.id%>} }'> </ul> 

any suggestions why if sttatement not working? comparing 2 conditions correctly?

assuming id observable, need invoke function rather treat property. try following:

{{if $item.current_cmt_id == id()}} 


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