iphone - iOS detachNewThreadSelector leaking -

i have uiscrollview loading images in. apply effect image , takes bit pre-loading decided on different thread using detachnewthreadselector. using ktphotobrowser on github this.

so basically, have function so.

- (void)setcurrentindex:(nsnumber *)newindex {     nsautoreleasepool *pool = [[nsautoreleasepool alloc] init];     currentindex_ = [newindex integervalue];     [self loadphoto:currentindex_];    [self loadphoto:currentindex_ + 1];    [self loadphoto:currentindex_ - 1];    [self unloadphoto:currentindex_ + 2];    [self unloadphoto:currentindex_ - 2];    [self settitlewithcurrentphotoindex];   [self togglenavbuttons];   [pool release];  } 

i call using

[nsthread detachnewthreadselector:@selector(setcurrentindex:) totarget:self withobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:5]]; 

when run this, appears throwing leak. beginning wonder if should putting autorelease pool around code in loadphoto method. if curious code, have included below.

- (void)loadphoto:(nsinteger)index {    if (index < 0 || index >= photocount_) {       return;    }     id currentphotoview = [photoviews_ objectatindex:index];    if (no == [currentphotoview iskindofclass:[ktphotoview class]]) {       // load photo view.       cgrect frame = [self frameforpageatindex:index];       ktphotoview *photoview = [[ktphotoview alloc] initwithframe:frame];       [photoview setscroller:self];       [photoview setindex:index];       [photoview setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor clearcolor]];        // set photo image.       if (datasource_) {          if ([datasource_ respondstoselector:@selector(imageatindex:photoview:)] ==    no) {             uiimage *image = [datasource_ imageatindex:index];             [photoview setimage:image];          } else {         [datasource_ imageatindex:index photoview:photoview];          }       }        [scrollview_ addsubview:photoview];       [photoviews_ replaceobjectatindex:index withobject:photoview];       [photoview release];    } else {       // turn off zooming.       [currentphotoview turnoffzoom];    } } 

any ideas appreciated.

your code seems ok using uikit thread. uikit classes should used application’s main thread.

uikit framework reference introduction


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