How to get root access on Android emulator? -

i have android sdk versions(from 1.5 2.3.3), , tried many methods getting root in android emulator. don't use android device , test on emulator(avd).

i need root access in 1 of android emulator use 'iptables' , 'busybox' functionality. , use iptables must have root access. atleast 'su' command should execute in terminal emulator.

i installed z4root application,

but takes long time , doesn't finish rooting, , gets stuck. if downgrade system below rc30, way can root access. if true, how this? use both linux , windows os.

please tell me method root emulator.

i think can use "root.apk" stored on filecrop ( visionary in android system ) root emulator because, @ each reboot, root system. z4root can't work because needs rebooting make root access working.sorry bad english, i'm french.


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