c# time format weirdness -

i have following string thetimeformat custom time format:

  "{0:h:mm tt}" 

i have following datetime thetime:

  {1/14/2011 2:19:00 am} 

i have following statement

  thistime = thetime.tostring(thetimeformat); 

why thistime equal "{0:2:19 am}" . should 2:19 , i'm not seeing why. not in gridview, use following statement , works charm:

((boundfield)(mygrid.columns[0])).dataformatstring = theuserpreferences.usertimeformat; theuserpreferences.usertimeformat same format string.

any suggestions?

when put time format datetime's tostring method, don't need placeholder; is, have this:

thetimeformat = "h:mm tt";


thistime = thetime.tostring(thetimeformat)

would give desired output.


per extended question in comment, allow put format in requires placeholder (and store aforementioned version of thetimeformat in db):

string formatwithplaceholder = "{0:" + thetimeformat + "}";

i briefly played around string.format instead of concatentation, having braces in format giving issues. nonetheless, works, don't particularly concatenation.


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