c# - Custom Excel Export Action -

public class excelresult<model> : actionresult     {         string _filename;         string _viewpath;         model _model;         controllercontext _context;          public excelresult(controllercontext context, string viewpath, string filename, model model)         {             this._context = context;             this._filename = filename;             this._viewpath = viewpath;             this._model = model;         }          protected string renderviewtostring()         {             using (var writer = new stringwriter())             {                 var view = new webformview(_viewpath);                 var vdd = new viewdatadictionary<model>(_model);                 var viewcxt = new viewcontext(_context, view, vdd, new tempdatadictionary(), writer);                 viewcxt.view.render(viewcxt, writer);                 return writer.tostring();             }         }         void writefile(string content)         {             httpcontext context = httpcontext.current;             context.response.clear();             context.response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + _filename);             context.response.charset = "";             context.response.cache.setcacheability(httpcacheability.nocache);             context.response.contenttype = "application/ms-excel";             context.response.write(content);             context.response.end();         }          public override void executeresult(controllercontext context)         {             string content = this.renderviewtostring();             this.writefile(content);         }     } 

i'm confused on how use action in controller. got internet having hard time figuring out how define in controller , pass data , data ajax call.

any awesome. thanks.

as action results return them action:

public actionresult foo() {     someviewmodel model = ...     return new excelresult<someviewmodel>     (         controllercontext,         "~/views/home/foo.ascx",         "foo.xlsx",         model     ); } 

in example foo partial typed view model , contains data.


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