ado - Strange problem in VB6 in generation of executable -

i there

i have scenario:

a) notebook :windows server 2008 r1, visual basic 6 service pack.

b) desktop : windows server 2008 r1 (recently update sp1, dunno if guilty), visual basic 6 service pack.

c) client machine (windows xp)

i created executable in a) , installed in c). uses ado (msado15.dll) , works fine in a) , in c)

then, using same code, tried same in b) (compiling in b) ) , work in b) fail in c). verified same code in a) , in b)

in resume:

a machine

  • executable_compiled_in_a.exe works
  • executable_compiled_in_b.exe works

b machine

  • executable_compiled_in_a.exe works
  • executable_compiled_in_b.exe works

c machine (customer machine)

  • executable_compiled_in_a.exe works
  • executable_compiled_in_b.exe fail!

the error message is

class not support automation or not support expected interface

and trigged line

set data = new adodb.connection 

so, don't trouble, both uses same reference b) generated different executable.

ps: msdac_typ not work in xp , not problem of msdac because executable generated in a) works in c).

ps2: tried using msado27.tlb , msado28.tlb same results.

ps3: developers machines (a) , b) ) 64bits, while customer machine 32bits.



the latest service of windows server 2008 r1 (and think same windows 7) update version of ado , executables. short story, latest sp1 evil , bring lot of trouble, @ least ado , development machines.

msado15.dll without service pack 6.1.7600

msado15.dll service pack 6.1.7601

install kb983246 on client's machines. workaround use ado old type library have issue described in kb983246 on 64bit machines.


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