wireless - Installing TinyOS 1.x and TOSSIM in Ubuntu -

i've been project evaluating performance of wireless sensor network. need work tinyos 1.x , nesc. need install tossim simulator. i'm using ubuntu 10.04. there way it?

i went through myself. there's lot of different installation instructions tinyos 1.x, , many of them out of date or run issues--source packages needing patches, etc.

this guide found worked: gems tinyos 1.x ubuntu guide

of course, tinyos 1.x cvs has been taken down, think, instead of grabbing cvs source, take latest tarball (1.1.15) here: tinyos 1.x source distribution

good luck!

p.s. if don't work, there's xubuntos vmware image, built tos2.x, still has of tos1.x system in place , available. xubuntos vmware image


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