ruby on rails - Model tries to use different table name in production than in development -

i have model called user. have pluralize_table_names set false table user uses user. (that's kind of mouthful!)

interestingly, model behaves correctly in development in production user tries use table called users doesn't exist. other models use singular table names. @ this:

$ rails console loading development environment (rails 3.0.3) irb(main):001:0> client.table_name => "client" irb(main):002:0> appointment.table_name => "appointment" irb(main):003:0> user.table_name => "user" irb(main):004:0>  $ rails console production loading production environment (rails 3.0.3) irb(main):001:0> client.table_name => "client" irb(main):002:0> appointment.table_name => "appointment" irb(main):003:0> user.table_name => "users" irb(main):004:0> 

as can see, everything's fine except user in production. gives?

edit: here's model code in production:

class user < activerecord::base   acts_as_authentic end 

and in development:

class user < activerecord::base   acts_as_authentic end 

same exact thing. pointed production instance @ same database development , problem persists. started having these problems when started using authlogic, i'm starting suspect development environment somehow knows authlogic stuff production environment doesn't.

update: tried kill many moving parts possible. set both production environment , development environment point @ dev database. didn't change anything. changed production environment dev 1 , started working. changed dev environment production 1 , stopped working. tells me there's change dev production makes stop working. have no idea what, though.

i figured out. ended keeping singular user table name in database, in model, did this:

class user < activerecord::base   set_table_name "user"   acts_as_authentic end 

the directives have in order or else not work! don't know why that's case (actually, if think little bit, makes sense) , don't know why decided try switch order i'm glad did.


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