php - How to use prepared and bound statement in SQL query -

i have been told query below susceptible sql injection - should using bound parameters instead,

class search {      public $mysqli = null;      public function __construct($mysqli,$keyword = null)     {        $this->mysqli = $mysqli;     }      public function get_result($parameter)     {         $sql = "         select *         root_contacts_cfm         root_contacts_cfm.cnt_id = '".$parameter."'         order cnt_id desc         ";          $item = $this->mysqli->fetch_assoc($sql);         return $item;     } } 

can ask - how can turn search class prepared , bound statement?

i have read articles online why should use prepared statements, article 1 article 2

but still don't have clue how improve query... tried amendment below,

class search {      public $mysqli = null;      public function __construct($mysqli)     {        $this->mysqli = $mysqli;     }      public function get_result($parameter)     {         $sql = "         select *         root_contacts_cfm         root_contacts_cfm.cnt_id = '?'         order cnt_id desc         ";          $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql);          /* bind parameters markers */         $stmt->bind_param("s", $parameter);          /* execute query */         $stmt->execute();           /* fetch value */         return $stmt->fetch();      } } 

so when call search class object,

$mysqli = new database(db_host,db_user,db_pass,db_name); $output = new search($mysqli); print_r($output->get_result('1')); 

i error,

warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param() [mysqli-stmt.bind-param]: number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement in c:\wamp\www\xxxl\class_database.php on line 487

line 487 refers $stmt->bind_param("s", $parameter);


try removing ', surrounds ? placeholder.

$sql = " select * root_contacts_cfm root_contacts_cfm.cnt_id = ? order cnt_id desc "; 

in prepared statements whole thing specifying type of param when bind it, not in sql query - did, when wrote '?' . you've said has string, not required, when bind param string. database engine how insert/escape value.


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